Home >> Tobago >> Packages >> Trinbago Beach Wedding package - A Caribbean beach wedding hosted at the Stonehaven Bay.
Trinbago Beach Wedding package - A Caribbean beach wedding hosted at the Stonehaven Bay.
Weddings |
Wedding from $ 1443 / £ 1226 |
The wedding listed below is just an example. We are happy to adapt all services (to your individual wishes and ideas!
Valid for the wedding couple plus maximum 10 guests and includes:
• Attendance for all formalities
• Bridal bouquet and button holes for the groom
• Civil or religious arrangements: license, minister, government fees
• Witnesses if needed
• Photography of ceremony until sunset Photos delivered via online download
• 10 padded white folding chairs
• 2 post bamboo arch draped with white ribbons or local blooms
• Single tier sponge wedding cake.
Formalities, Documentation for Weddings:
A wedding under palm trees in Tobago is easily achieved. You have to stay on the island for 3 full days before the wedding license can be issued and bring with you the following documents:
• Valid passport,
• If divorced, the divorce papers,
• If widowed, the death certificate,
• In case of a change of name, request confirmation,
• If under 21 permission of parents/guardian.
Documents in any foreign language need certified English translations. With the wedding package a local attendant will accompany you to the official places. Formalities take no longer than 2 hrs.

Package price in US Dollar & British Pounds
Valid from 1-5-2022 to 15-12-2022
Inquire without obligation or book Trinbago Beach Wedding package - A Caribbean beach wedding hosted at the Stonehaven Bay.